Sunday, December 30, 2012

Go Time?

After watching Father of the Bride Part 2, I always laughed at the situation with Annie where she has, if I recall correctly, 2 or more instances thinking she is in labor and isn't. I thought "come on lady - surely you know when its time..." Well, I'll be darned if the same thing didn't happen to me. Obviously I got a great lesson in judging others....

Let's start at the beginning. Broccoli has not been my friend since I've been pregnant. After eating some at school one day I paid for it later that night. Nothing gross, just HORRIBLE pains and cramping- like I was being stabbed. (Not that I would know what being stabbed feels like, but I can imagine it isn't too pleasant - much like this sensation) Now, knowing this about myself, you would think I would avoid the veggie like the plague, but alas, I'm not that smart. Or don't possess that much self control. Its a toss up.

Friday night it was wet, rainy, and cold. Perfect night for soup. Low and behold my sweet mother had stocked our fridge, and, glaring at me from shelf, was a big package of Panera Bread broccoli and cheese soup. Perfect! Then, I remembered that broccoli is the devil. Should I or shouldn't I? The craving won out and I popped that bad boy in the microwave.

Later that night I paid. Big time. By 11pm I was in so much pain I was getting dizzy. The sharp, stabbing pains returned as before, and I was almost in tears. Greyson was also partaking in some sort of Cirque du Soleil routine which didn't help matters at all. When you are dealing with extreme cramping and sharp pains, the last thing you need is someone kicking and punching you in the stomach. When I laid down and began groaning Adam became super concerned. He saw the baby frantically bouncing around and, paired with his wife 2 seconds from tears, reached for the phone to call the doctor. They suggested I go to labor and delivery just to make sure everything was ok.

My mind flashed back to Father of the Bride and I refused. These were not labor pains. This was, well, I'll just put it plainly... gas. I was having one of the worst episodes of gas pains in the history of the world and I was not about to drag myself and husband out in the middle of the night to have a nurse laugh and tell me that. Well, that, and I was in so much pain there was no way I was moving. I told Adam we just needed to wait a while and see what happens.

As I laid on the bed and the pain subsided ever so slightly, I felt it. The first contraction. A few minutes later another. Oh my goodness... I had gassed stressed myself into labor. Adam downloaded a contraction timer app and we began timing them. The contractions felt more intense due to my other pain and after an hour of timing them to be 5 minutes apart, I told Adam it was time to call Robert and Jessica to come over and stay with MC. We were leaving for the hospital.

At 1am we were wheeling out of the driveway hoping this was the real deal. I know Adam had his doubts, but I wasn't about to wait around at home and find out. With a three year old to worry about, the last thing I wanted was to wait around, not be able to reach anyone to come over, and give birth on my kitchen floor. This happened to a friend of a friend. This kid's nickname is linoleum Lucy now. Not cool.

Upon arriving at the hospital we got checked into triage and hooked up to the monitors. The contractions had now increased to 2-3 minutes apart. She checked me at we were 3 cm and 75%. After monitoring me about 45 minutes with no increase in contraction intensity, the doctor suggested I walk for an hour to see if we could make any progress. Walking around an empty hospital at 3am wasn't the most fun I'd ever ha,d but I would do anything at this point to make this baby come out! At 4am we returned to our room and the nurse checked me again. Still at 3cm and only slightly more effaced at 80%. In addition, my contractions had begun to slow down and I was now facing the embarrassment of being sent home empty handed.

At 5:30 am we pulled back into the driveway - sans baby.

I suppose next time I will know when it really is go time. Either that or my child will be nicknamed "homebirth homeboy", cause I am sure as heck not leaving house for another false alarm!!


38 weeks 4 days! Anytime now!!

Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 38 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 141.5 (25.5 lbs)
Maternity Clothes: Yes
Best Moment of the Week: Making progress! Almost 3cm now and 75% effaced! Christmas was also AMAZING, but that's another post in itself!
Food Cravings: Let's just say Christmas is NOT helping my sweet tooth!! After getting tons of goodies from work, making cookies for Santa, and baking cupcakes for baby Jesus's birthday, mommy has a lot of treats to eat!
Food Aversions: None
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms:  Still the same with lots of pressure! Some days I feel like this kid is just going to fall out!! 
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Cravings - ice cream to be exact. He came home with a gallon of Neopolitan ice cream the other night that he just couldn't pass up because "it was on sale" and it was "for me". Good excuse babe - I don't even eat neopolitan ice cream babe. LOL.
Movement:YES! Greyson is absolutely kicking me to death. I've got feet, elbows, knees, and whatever else poking me Don't get me wrong though - I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Gender: Boy - Greyson Carter.
Milestones: Nothing huge this week other than Grey's first "Christmas". Can't wait to see him and MC together next year ripping open gifts!! What a joy to be blessed with two children! Can't wait!


37 weeks 4 days! FULL TERM NOW! Wow!

Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 37 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 140 (24 lbs)
Maternity Clothes: Yes
Best Moment of the Week: This week has been pretty mellow! I am super excited for Christmas and Adam and I both are just trying to get through this last week of work before my parents come in town! 
Food Cravings: Still sweets :/ 
Food Aversions: None
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms:  Still the same: achy back, pressure, Braxton Hicks, sciatic nerve pain 
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Stress - he's got a lot going on with work and with his office being closed until after New Years and not knowing when the baby is coming, he's a little frantic about how things are going to get done.
Movement: Still kicking like he's going out for the US soccer team!
Gender: Boy - Greyson Carter.
Milestones: Still almost 2cm this week so no progress - but that's ok! He would probably hate it if his birthday was on Christmas so maybe he'll hold out a little longer!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Terrific Three

Better late than never!!!

As of November 30th, my precious, 7 lb 13oz bundle of joy is 3 years old. I have no idea how this happened. I know every parent says "It seems like just yesterday....", but it does. It seems like just yesterday I was delivering God's most wonderful blessing and today she is running around and carrying on conversations with us. I miss my sweet baby, but oh how I love seeing the amazing little person she is growing into!! So, my sweet Maggie Claire, here a just a few of the things your daddy and I are LOVING about you right now :)

We love how smart you are. You just turned 3 and can already read almost all 3 letter, consonant-vowel-consonant words.

We love how you're a complete daredevil. All your teachers tell us that you have absolutely no fear and are completely tough. However, knowing that you inherited mommy's coordination, I have to say that the idea of having an uncoordinated daredevil makes me nervous. Like, really nervous.

We love how you repeat EVERYTHING we say. Its getting to the point where we really have to watch ourselves because you don't miss a thing!

We love how you know exactly what matches when we dress you. A fashionista already. If daddy picks the wrong hairbow, you have no hesitation in telling him it doesn't match and why. When mommy picks the right hairbow you like to tell me why I chose it (ie - "that hairbow matches the green flowers on my shirt mommy!")

We love how you say "please" and "thank you" and "yes m'am" and "yes sir". You are very polite and we are so proud of you.

We love the sweet things you say to us. The other night when we were putting you to bed you started stroking daddy's face and pulled him close and whispered "daddy, you're the sweetest boy I've ever met..." You melt our heart

We love your imagination. Whether its having a tea party or playing "lions", you always come up with something creative and cute to do or say.

We love how you like to get ready with mommy when we go somewhere. You have to put on your "makeup", your lotion, and perfume - just like mommy.

We love how you call daddy "prince".

We love how helpful you are. You ask to help with almost anything mommy does. Guess this will come in handy when your new baby brother comes!

We love your independent spirit. You like to do things on your own, your own way.

We love your laugh - and how you laugh at anything. You love being silly and can have fun doing anything.

We love how you enjoy having "coffee" with mommy.

We love you so much and you bring us joy every single day. I don't know what we did to deserve such a wonderful blessing!!! Happy Birthday sweet girl!!!


36 weeks 4 days!!
Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 36 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 138.5 (22.5 lbs)
Maternity Clothes: Yes
Best Moment of the Week: Its been a pretty quiet week around the Martin house. I got a lot done in the way of organizing Baby Grey's room and closets so that was a huge relief!!
Food Cravings: Sweets still!!
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms: Ah, I feel so bad repeating the same things OVER and OVER, however, since it asks I'll share (again) - Achy back, lots of pressure and sore hips, sciatic nerve pain.
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: I have nothing bad to say about this man! What a trooper! I am really blessed to have a husband who helps out so much!!
Movement: All the time
Gender: Boy - Greyson Carter.
Milestones: Another great doctor's appointment! We are ALMOST 2 cm which means we have at least made progress since last week! I am curious to see how things will go at our next appointment!

Thursday, December 6, 2012


I'm not even going to vocalize the fact that this is late.... haha. Here we are, one day shy of 36 weeks, and I'm just posting about 35 weeks. Oh well. You love me. You understand ;)

Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 35 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 137.5 (21.5 lbs) 
Maternity Clothes: Yes
Best Moment of the Week: Our doctor's appointment was definitely the highlight of the week. It was so wonderful to find out information about how I'm progressing and info about baby Grey!
Food Cravings: Chocolate and oranges. I've probably gone through 10 "cuties" this week. 
Food Aversions: None
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms:  Grey has taken to pushing on my sciatic nerve pretty frequently which is fantastic. I'll be mid stride walking somewhere and suddenly have to stop in my tracks from the shooting pain down my back and leg. Thankfully it only lasts a few seconds. Also still dealing with pressure and back pain. 
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Nesting again. I kid, I kid. He's just been so helpful around the house I'm not really sure of what else to call it. I'm so blessed :)
Movement: I feel like he is moving like crazy lately. Not happy about running out of room I suppose ;)
Gender: Boy - Greyson Carter.  
Milestones: We began our weekly doctor visits this week! I'm happy to report that we are currently 1cm dialated and 50% effaced. The doctor is estimating Grayson to be about 5 lbs right now and that he will probably be 7.5lbs at delivery. MC was 7lbs 13oz so 7.5 sounds good to me! I don't know if I could handle anything larger than MC - maybe I'm a wuss :/ Anyway, we go back again on Tuesday so I'm anxious to see if we've progressed anymore, although I highly doubt it. I'll probably be the woman who walks around at 1 cm for a month. Oh well, as long as he is healthy, he can come whenever he would like - well, within reason ;)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Belly

So I'm super late posting these, but better late than never I suppose! We had a photo shoot with our dear friend and neighbor Tabitha when we went back home to Alabama. I have a whole CD full of great shots, but here are a few of our favorites! I will try to post more soon!


34 weeks 3 days

Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 34 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 136.5 (20.5 lbs) 
Maternity Clothes: Yes. Can I just add that I hate maternity jeans? Does any other pregnant mommy out there have issues keeping them UP? My pants WILL NOT stay up. I'm seriously thinking about truly getting into the x-mas spirit and sporting some suspenders. I would do Santa proud I think. 
Best Moment of the Week: This has been a pretty uneventful week. I would say they best moment is Adam surprising me with a hot bath while he bathed MC and put her to bed. Its the little things that can really melt a lady's heart ;) Oh, and a sweet friend of mine surprised me with a massage gift card! This girl is truly one of the sweetest, most thoughtful and most generous people I have EVER met and this little surprise almost brought me to tears! Can't wait to get my relaxation on!!!
Food Cravings: Still can't get enough of the sweets and uber buttery popcorn. 
Food Aversions: None
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms:  I'm not even going to list them this week as we all know what they are by now...
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: The hubs has been symptom free this week. He's been so thoughtful and sweet - maybe I've been super moody and he's scared for his life....
Movement: Still kicking and elbowing me pretty consistently. Love seeing my whole belly jump around when he moves. 
Gender: Boy - Greyson Carter.  
Milestones: Next week marks the beginning of our weekly doctor visits! Can't believe we are to that point already!!! Can't wait to see if we've started to dialate yet and how big she thinks he might be! :)

While this isn't baby related, I have to say that MC's birthday tomorrow is also a huge milestone. I truly can't believe my child is THREE YEARS OLD!!! Where has the time gone???!!! I'll have another post all about my precious angel soon ;)

Saturday, November 24, 2012


So I suppose I get an excuse for my tardiness this week since it was Thanksgiving ;) We are now 34 weeks, but here's week 33's update!!
33 weeks 3 days

Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 33 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 135 (19 lbs) 
Maternity Clothes: Yes. Again, I feel this is getting old
Best Moment of the Week: THANKSGIVING! Such a wonderful holiday this year! Although my dad couldn't come, my mom and Adam's parents were able to come to Charlotte and spend time with us. My mom did all the cooking and I was able to get help with all of our holiday decorations and trees! 
Food Cravings: Cinnamon rolls. These are one of my all time favorite foods anyway and when mom stocked our fridge and freezer she came home with the Sam's Club jumbo pack. I'm about to pack on the pounds - thanks mom! ;)
Food Aversions: None
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms:  Sadly, same as always - sore back, Braxton Hicks CONSTANTLY, pressure....
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Organization and planning mode. Since we had some classes at the hospital, this sweet man has been all about getting prepared :) Love him! 
Movement: He's really picked up on the movement this last week. I think he's been excited about all the food like his mom... 
Gender: Boy - Greyson Carter.  
Milestones: Well, we attended our childbirth refresher class and toured the hospital here where I will be delivering. It was extremely beneficial to have a "brush up" on the whole childbirth thing and since we induced with Maggie Claire, I needed the additional information on going into labor and methods to deal with active labor (I pray I will be able to move around this time. As you might know, with inductions you are confined to the bed due to all the IV's and monitoring they have to do. I am looking forward to trying various methods to cope with pain before I get my epidural this time. We'll see!!)

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Once again, here we are at almost 33 weeks and I am just now posting our 32 week bumpdate... Oh the joys of being a working mom!!

32 weeks 3 days

Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 32 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 134.5 (18.5 lbs) 
Maternity Clothes: Yes. I've also taken to wearing the "belly belt" which is basically an adjustable elastic band that helps hold up the belly. I have to say it was pretty helpful today!!
Sleep: Again, what's that?

Best Moment of the Week: Such a fantastic weekend! We got our last bit of travel in before sweet boy makes his arrival. Adam, MC and I flew to Alabama for my family's Thanksgiving lunch and we celebrated MC's birthday, and had maternity pictures! Adam's parents and grandmother also came so it was such a fantastic weekend with everyone together!!
Food Cravings: Still on my popcorn and sweets kick. Its amazing I haven't reached 500 lbs yet. 
Food Aversions: None
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms:  Achy back (what's new??!), Braxton Hicks, pressure, basically approaching the "miserable" stage. haha. 
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Panic. Not about Greyson, just life in general I think. He takes his "head-of-the-household" role very seriously and lately has been stressing about making us financially stable, making sure we are safe/protected, etc. I suppose its a man's version of nesting and that last minute panic.  
Movement: Yup and boy his he strong! 
Gender: Boy - Greyson Carter.  
Milestones: Maternity pics were a big milestone this week. Can't believe we are far enough along to have had those done! I still feel like I just found out yesterday we were pregnant! I hope to get them posted as soon as we get our CD in the mail!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


So, at this point, I am seriously wondering where the time has gone. This has been the quickest. pregnancy. ever. No joke. In 5 and a half shorts weeks we will be considered "full term". This is terrifying. I am not ready by any stretch of the imagination. Soooo many things left to do!!!

31 weeks 3 days
Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 31 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 133.5 (17.5 lbs) 
Maternity Clothes: Yup - and I'm officially only wearing Adam's T-shirts now
Sleep: What's that?

Best Moment of the Week: Being with the family. Not exactly Greyson related, but somewhat. I've been struggling with the whole working mom thing and being able to spend the weekend together as a family and soak up my sweet Maggie Claire was just what I needed! 
Food Cravings: Sweet tooth is still throbbing!
Food Aversions: None. The appetite is still out.of.control
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms:  I'm not sure if I've mentioned the occassional Braxton Hicks, but they've become more frequent lately. Also still sound like a broken record in saying my back hurts. Thank goodness for husbands who give sympathy backrubs!
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Nesting. Again. I think he has a new home improvement project or idea every other hour of the day. Bless him. 
Movement: Still moving and making my belly dance! So funny to be sitting there and see my stomach moving and jumping all over the place! 
Gender: Boy - Greyson Carter.  
Milestones: Making it through another week alive! Haha. After being around 10 12-24 month olds for 9 hours a day I wonder sometimes! haha. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


30 weeks 3 days!!

Due Date: January 5, 2013
 How Far Along: 30 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 133 (17 lbs) MUST STOP SWEETS!!!
Maternity Clothes: Yup
Sleep: Still pretty rough and this darn cough/cold hasn't helped!

Best Moment of the Week: Seeing Greyson's face on our 3D ultrasound "redo". I know its probably the hormones, but I was bawling my eyes out. He's so beautiful!!! I was so glad he cooperated this time and let us get a glimpse at that sweet face! I'm even more ready to meet him now than I have ever been!
Food Cravings: Sweets and uber buttery popcorn. Yup. I try to keep it healthy like that. 
Food Aversions: None. The appetite is still out.of.control
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms: Same 'ole, same 'ole - achy back.
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Cravings. And go figure that its sweets, just like me. We made this RIDICULOUSLY good pumpkin bread pudding. Tonight at dinner he opted out of seconds so that he could have two servings of bread pudding for dessert. Haha. I laughed and poked fun at him to which he attempted to do the same. I said "honey, I'm pregnant! What's your excuse?!" Without missing a beat he said "Well, I am married to a pregnant woman - what do you expect??!" Touche my love. Touche
Movement: Seems like he's slowed down the last couple of days - maybe he's running out of room ;) 
Gender: Boy - Greyson Carter. The "e" is official. We argued about it over the weekend and after not agreeing we decided there was only one logical way to solve the problem - flip a coin. Yup. We decided the spelling of our child's name by flipping a coin. 
Milestones: Seeing Greyson for the first time! Can't wait to see this beautiful baby boy!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Ok. I love Greyson just as much as Maggie Claire, but I just can't seem to get on the ball with this working mom thing. There is no time for ANYTHING. ESPECIALLY blogging. Waaaay down on my priority list - sorry readers... or reader I should say.

Anyway, here is the latest with Baby G!

29 weeks 2 days - no, my belly isn't lopsided. Apparently I had my shirt pulled down too far on the side and it just appears that way ;)
Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 29 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 131 (15 lbs) I am thinking it will be a GREAT deal more next week :/

Maternity Clothes: Yup
Sleep: Not great... as usual

Best Moment of the Week: Finding out MC's pediatrician takes our new insurance. Haha. It's the little things, right?
Food Cravings: Note to husband - never let pregnant wife wait in line in front of the cinnamon rolls at Ikea. Have you guys had these things??!! Oh. my. goodness. I am pretty obsessed with cinnamon rolls in general but these are fantastic. I bought the six pack to save money. Don't laugh. One cinnamon roll was $1.00. The six pack was $4.00. You do the math.  
Food Aversions: None. Food. is. so. good
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms: Yes, yet again I am going to mention that my back hurts. 
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Nesting. Let me be more specific - baking. Yup. My sweet husband had hallowed out one of our pumpkins when we arrived home the other night and upon entering the kitchen informed me that the flesh of the first pumpkin was going to be used for pumpkin lentil soup and the flesh from the one we were about to carve would be used for pumpkin bread pudding. Hearing him discuss the recipes he found in his monogrammed"Jessica's kitchen" apron was quite amusing to say the least ;)
Movement: Oh yes :) Can't wait to meet this little soccer star. 
Gender: Boy - Greyson Carter. Well, this is if we don't change it back to Grayson. hahaha. Poor kid. I promise you'll have a real name soon!
Milestones: Passing my glucose test! Woo Hoo!!! I failed by one point last time so I was super excited that I didn't have to sit through that horrible 3 hour test this time around! We also had our 3D ultrasound and he was COMPLETELY uncoorperative! We didn't get a single look at his face! All we got to see were hands and feet - and, while they were truly beautiful, we were hoping to get a glimpse of that sweet baby face! We are going to try again at my next appt on the 30th so we'll see what happens! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Before I begin this week's bumpdate, I have a greivance that needs to be aired. Expectant mother parking is for EXPECTANT MOTHERS - not lazy people who want to park as close as possible to the entrance of the grocery store. Yes. Obviously I had a run in with this today. A woman and I arrived in the parking lot about the same time and she pulled in the expectant mother spot. I figured she was pregnant and didn't think a thing about it. I then had to park about 20 spaces down as it was about 6:00 and every person in Charlotte had decided to go to Harris Teeter to get something for dinner. As I wrangled my two year old through the parking lot, waddling from my belly and a long day's work, I saw my "expectant mother" friend exiting her vehicle. The woman was about 50 years old and didn't even have a wheelchair/limp/cane, etc that would make walking to the store difficult. She actually looked like she was in better shape than me. Angry doesn't even describe what I was feeling. Needless to say, the lady saw my belly and energetic toddler and probably felt horrible considering she took every precaution not to make eye contact with me. That's right, I gave her the stink eye (which she sadly never saw due to the previously mentioned eye contact avoidance)

Anyway, that is my rant for the day. Here's how things are going with Baby Greyson! :)

28 weeks 3 days
Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 28 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 130 (14 lbs) No candy bars this week.... yet....

Maternity Clothes: Yup
Sleep: Again, I've given up on this luxury. 

Best Moment of the Week: Although it hasn't happened yet, I know seeing sweet Grayson's face for the first time on our 3D ultrasound will definitely be it! I'm anxious to see how much he does or doesn't look like MC!! Guess we will find out on Friday!!!
Food Cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary. 
Food Aversions: None.
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms: Oh the back. Working at a daycare teaching 12-24 month olds all day can wear on you. I spend about 97% of the day bent over and lets just say it can do a number on your back!
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Hurt foot. Yes. Adam has what he thinks is a stress fracture, so I get to hear about his aching foot a few times a day. I feel for him, but sometimes I want to smack him too. In a very compassionate way of course. My aches still win my friend, good try ;)
Movement: Yup. Little Grey enjoys elbowing, kicking, and kneeing mommy every chance he gets - usually when I am trying to rest.
Gender: Boy - GrEyson Carter. Yup. Notice the change? My "Grayson" was changed to "Greyson" per the hubs. Someone or something put the idea in his head that "GRAYSON" would allow too much room for possible bullying or name calling (as if children could adequately decipher the difference in the two spellings and pick on him for an "A", but not for an "E"... sigh.) Obviously I don't understand Adam's stance on the whole thing so I just let him win. I wanted an "A" pretty darn bad, but marriage is about compromise so I threw in the towel.
Milestones: Glucose test tomorrow morning (wish me luck!) and 3D ultrasound on Friday! Hopefully all goes well!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Sticking with my usual late theme, here is last week's bumpdate! We are 28 weeks as of Saturday so the "up-to-date" bumpdate should be coming tomorrow or the next day!
27 weeks 2 days

Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 27 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 129 (13 lbs) Let's just say momma's been getting her workout at work! Lost a few pounds but I can't say I'm too upset about that!

Maternity Clothes: Yes. Always.
Sleep: Still stinks, but, hey, what can ya do?

Best Moment of the Week: The parents! Mom and dad came to visit and it was so great seeing them! However, bittersweet at the same time... so sad not having them close! I tried to put a pretty good guilt trip on them about moving here though ;)
Food Cravings: SWEETS! Oh this sweet tooth... I ate two Whachamacallit candy bars this week and then as a sweet surprise Adam actually showed up with one when he came home one night (completely unaware I had already indulged in 2 earlier in the week) I couldn't be rude and turn down a sweet gesture so into the tummy it went and the count went to 3. Oh dear. 
Food Aversions: None.
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms: Still hungry 24/7 and dealing with a sore back
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Cravings. Burgers to be specific.
Movement: Feeling little man a lot. Loves to wake me up in the morning and keep me up for a while when I first lay down at night.
Gender: Boy - Grayson Carter
Milestones: While not Grayson related, starting work was definitely a huge milestone! Things are going well and I promise to post some details soon!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


26 weeks 3 days!!!

Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 26 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 130.5 (14.5)Again, still going with the notion that my scale at home is accurate and the one at the doctor's office is broken. Weighed with PJ's on Saturday and it was still less than what the doctor's scale said over a week ago. 

Maternity Clothes: Yes. Always.
Sleep: I literally don't sleep. Ever. I've tried my old maternity pillow but the top is all lumpy and uncomfortable (you can't use a regular pillow in conjunction with the maternity pillow and I certainly can't sleep without my memory foam contour pillow) I've tried a pillow between my legs but its not long enough and too soft. Oh the woes of pregnancy sleep ;) Also doesn't help that I am having to get up way earlier to get to work now - or that certain things occur during the night such as my sweet child screaming every 15 minutes from 2am-5am. She has never done anything like that before. We tried everything to get her to go back to sleep - putting her in our bed, laying with her in her bed. The child just wouldn't sleep. Therefore, mommy didn't sleep. Therefore, mommy is struggling today. 

Best Moment of the Week: Momma is about to be a working momma. That's right - I got a job. Still in shock that they would hire a pregnant woman (yes, I told them I was pregnant - as if it wasn't obvious enough) Nervous and excited all at the same time!!
Food Cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary. 
Food Aversions: None.
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms: Still hungry 24/7 and dealing with a sore back
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Frustration. Poor guy has had some major complications just trying to complete what (should be) simple tasks. I feel his pain. I guess we could also add complaining to his list of symptoms... but we won't ;) If I had to deal with some of his craziness I would need to vent too. 
Movement: Much more now. He sleeps most of the day then likes to dance party it up around 10pm or so
Gender: Boy - Grayson Carter
Milestones: Working momma! More on this later...

Friday, September 28, 2012

A Camping We Will Go

As promised, I am finally getting around to sharing all of the excitement of our first camping trip. I have to admit that when Adam said his company was having a "camping trip" to Morrow Mountain, I was a little concerned. I have a hard enough time being comfortable in my own bed - sleeping on a blow up mattress on the ground with no potty in sight was not exactly my idea of fun.

Then, I remembered all the fun I used to have camping. In Florence this was something I did all the time and I LOVED it. I wanted MC to grow up with those memories and to have an appreciation for nature and the outdoors as Adam and I do. I decided to take one for the team.

As most other things in our life, it wouldn't be a Martin outing if there weren't some complications. As a stay-at-home-mom, I find it my responsibility to do just about everything. Adam is at work all day - when is he supposed to do it? In this situation, that meant packing everything we needed for the trip: clothing, food, blankets, pillows, mattresses, flashlights, etc. It. was. exhausting. I am not even kidding. By the end of it all I was stressed to the max. MC was her usual energetic self and by the time I put one thing in the bag she had pulled it back out insisting she NEEDED to play with it. Yes MC, an icepack is completely crucial to your playtime activities....

Adam said he would be home by 1:00 to help me pack and to load the car. Love this man, but being timely isn't exactly his strong suit. By 2:00 I was beyond irritated and sent him a text - he said he was going to be late. Really? Hadn't figured that out yet. Thanks. He finally arrives around 3:45 and we spent the next hour and a half getting everything loaded in the car. Yes, that means we got on the road at 5:15. Then of course he shares we were supposed to bring potatoes. Stop at the grocery store. Then the all important gas station for a fill up and ice. Its now pushing 6:00 and we are just now leaving. Morrow Mountain is approximately 1 hour away but when we got on the highway and saw the after work traffic jam we knew we wouldn't make it there before 8:00.

By this point we were ALL irritated and cranky so we just decided to turn around, go home, and try again in the morning. Smart move for everyone involved. I don't think any of his coworkers would have been pleased to spend time with a tired and pissed off pregnant lady. Not the first impression I wanted to make.

The next morning we got up early, got going, and arrived to set up camp around 11:00. We had a FANTASTIC day. MC was in complete heaven and there were other kids there for her to play with which was great since she is a complete socialite like her daddy. (If no one is around she will literally talk to herself).

While making smores was one of the things I was most excited to introduce MC to, she was having NO part of it. She saw the marshmallows and it was over. I tried to explain the concept and showed her the ingredients but she screamed bloody murder insisting I not put the marshmallow in the fire. I obliged and just let her eat the marshmallows right from the bag.

I was a little concerned about how bedtime would go in this new environment, but MC had completely worn herself out that day. About 90 seconds after her sweet head hit the pillow she was out and mommy and daddy got to enjoy some great campfire conversation with Adam's coworkers. Here are a few pics from our adventures!

Great job on the tent daddy!!

"Can I get in now??"

Football with the boys :)

Running for the touchdown!

Yay MC!

Precious and beautiful little girl

In the lake looking for shells - as you can imagine, the dry clothes didn't last long!

Well worth the wet clothes to see that smiling face!!!

Checking out her "baby clam"

Looking for more shells with daddy

My main squeeze ;) Such a cutie

Carrying a soaking wet child back to camp because "its too hard to walk, daddy!!"

Playing with new friends

Duck... duck.... duck.....goose!

Flashlight - all time favorite toy

Helping daddy deflate the air mattress - also a perfect opportunity for bouncing MC super high!  ONE...


THREE!!!! Up goes MC!

"Do it again daddy!!!"

checking out her friend's tent

Having so much fun outdoors!

not enough hands!

Beautiful place! Can't wait to make it back!