Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Before I begin this week's bumpdate, I have a greivance that needs to be aired. Expectant mother parking is for EXPECTANT MOTHERS - not lazy people who want to park as close as possible to the entrance of the grocery store. Yes. Obviously I had a run in with this today. A woman and I arrived in the parking lot about the same time and she pulled in the expectant mother spot. I figured she was pregnant and didn't think a thing about it. I then had to park about 20 spaces down as it was about 6:00 and every person in Charlotte had decided to go to Harris Teeter to get something for dinner. As I wrangled my two year old through the parking lot, waddling from my belly and a long day's work, I saw my "expectant mother" friend exiting her vehicle. The woman was about 50 years old and didn't even have a wheelchair/limp/cane, etc that would make walking to the store difficult. She actually looked like she was in better shape than me. Angry doesn't even describe what I was feeling. Needless to say, the lady saw my belly and energetic toddler and probably felt horrible considering she took every precaution not to make eye contact with me. That's right, I gave her the stink eye (which she sadly never saw due to the previously mentioned eye contact avoidance)

Anyway, that is my rant for the day. Here's how things are going with Baby Greyson! :)

28 weeks 3 days
Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 28 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 130 (14 lbs) No candy bars this week.... yet....

Maternity Clothes: Yup
Sleep: Again, I've given up on this luxury. 

Best Moment of the Week: Although it hasn't happened yet, I know seeing sweet Grayson's face for the first time on our 3D ultrasound will definitely be it! I'm anxious to see how much he does or doesn't look like MC!! Guess we will find out on Friday!!!
Food Cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary. 
Food Aversions: None.
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms: Oh the back. Working at a daycare teaching 12-24 month olds all day can wear on you. I spend about 97% of the day bent over and lets just say it can do a number on your back!
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Hurt foot. Yes. Adam has what he thinks is a stress fracture, so I get to hear about his aching foot a few times a day. I feel for him, but sometimes I want to smack him too. In a very compassionate way of course. My aches still win my friend, good try ;)
Movement: Yup. Little Grey enjoys elbowing, kicking, and kneeing mommy every chance he gets - usually when I am trying to rest.
Gender: Boy - GrEyson Carter. Yup. Notice the change? My "Grayson" was changed to "Greyson" per the hubs. Someone or something put the idea in his head that "GRAYSON" would allow too much room for possible bullying or name calling (as if children could adequately decipher the difference in the two spellings and pick on him for an "A", but not for an "E"... sigh.) Obviously I don't understand Adam's stance on the whole thing so I just let him win. I wanted an "A" pretty darn bad, but marriage is about compromise so I threw in the towel.
Milestones: Glucose test tomorrow morning (wish me luck!) and 3D ultrasound on Friday! Hopefully all goes well!

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