Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Who doesn't love this movie? Total classic full of totally classic one-liners.

"You're killing me, Smalls!" This is a favorite in the Martin house. However odd it may be, the is frequently directed at MC. When I get to my breaking point and really just want to scream, I usually come out with "You're killing me, Smalls!". Sounds better than what I really want to say, trust me.

Anyway, Maggie Claire has obviously heard this a time or two, because, lets be honest, mommy gets frustrated on a regular basis.

Adam and I have also recently discovered that MC realizes this statement is used during instances of extreme frustration. Hence, last night. Adam was brushing her teeth and she was just not interested. She was being difficult and told Adam she didn't want him to brush her teeth and it was hurting her (it truly wasn't, she was just searching for excuses). After screaming about it hurting and making it clear she wanted no part of it tonight, Adam tried one last time to stick the toothbrush in her mouth. He got about 5 strokes in before she moved his hand, looked at him with all seriousness, and shouts "You're killing me, Smalls!!!"

Needless to say the hysterical laughter soon followed. Her timing was killer. The circumstances were perfect. Truly a moment I won't soon forget.

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