Tuesday, October 30, 2012


30 weeks 3 days!!

Due Date: January 5, 2013
 How Far Along: 30 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 133 (17 lbs) MUST STOP SWEETS!!!
Maternity Clothes: Yup
Sleep: Still pretty rough and this darn cough/cold hasn't helped!

Best Moment of the Week: Seeing Greyson's face on our 3D ultrasound "redo". I know its probably the hormones, but I was bawling my eyes out. He's so beautiful!!! I was so glad he cooperated this time and let us get a glimpse at that sweet face! I'm even more ready to meet him now than I have ever been!
Food Cravings: Sweets and uber buttery popcorn. Yup. I try to keep it healthy like that. 
Food Aversions: None. The appetite is still out.of.control
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms: Same 'ole, same 'ole - achy back.
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Cravings. And go figure that its sweets, just like me. We made this RIDICULOUSLY good pumpkin bread pudding. Tonight at dinner he opted out of seconds so that he could have two servings of bread pudding for dessert. Haha. I laughed and poked fun at him to which he attempted to do the same. I said "honey, I'm pregnant! What's your excuse?!" Without missing a beat he said "Well, I am married to a pregnant woman - what do you expect??!" Touche my love. Touche
Movement: Seems like he's slowed down the last couple of days - maybe he's running out of room ;) 
Gender: Boy - Greyson Carter. The "e" is official. We argued about it over the weekend and after not agreeing we decided there was only one logical way to solve the problem - flip a coin. Yup. We decided the spelling of our child's name by flipping a coin. 
Milestones: Seeing Greyson for the first time! Can't wait to see this beautiful baby boy!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Ok. I love Greyson just as much as Maggie Claire, but I just can't seem to get on the ball with this working mom thing. There is no time for ANYTHING. ESPECIALLY blogging. Waaaay down on my priority list - sorry readers... or reader I should say.

Anyway, here is the latest with Baby G!

29 weeks 2 days - no, my belly isn't lopsided. Apparently I had my shirt pulled down too far on the side and it just appears that way ;)
Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 29 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 131 (15 lbs) I am thinking it will be a GREAT deal more next week :/

Maternity Clothes: Yup
Sleep: Not great... as usual

Best Moment of the Week: Finding out MC's pediatrician takes our new insurance. Haha. It's the little things, right?
Food Cravings: Note to husband - never let pregnant wife wait in line in front of the cinnamon rolls at Ikea. Have you guys had these things??!! Oh. my. goodness. I am pretty obsessed with cinnamon rolls in general but these are fantastic. I bought the six pack to save money. Don't laugh. One cinnamon roll was $1.00. The six pack was $4.00. You do the math.  
Food Aversions: None. Food. is. so. good
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms: Yes, yet again I am going to mention that my back hurts. 
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Nesting. Let me be more specific - baking. Yup. My sweet husband had hallowed out one of our pumpkins when we arrived home the other night and upon entering the kitchen informed me that the flesh of the first pumpkin was going to be used for pumpkin lentil soup and the flesh from the one we were about to carve would be used for pumpkin bread pudding. Hearing him discuss the recipes he found in his monogrammed"Jessica's kitchen" apron was quite amusing to say the least ;)
Movement: Oh yes :) Can't wait to meet this little soccer star. 
Gender: Boy - Greyson Carter. Well, this is if we don't change it back to Grayson. hahaha. Poor kid. I promise you'll have a real name soon!
Milestones: Passing my glucose test! Woo Hoo!!! I failed by one point last time so I was super excited that I didn't have to sit through that horrible 3 hour test this time around! We also had our 3D ultrasound and he was COMPLETELY uncoorperative! We didn't get a single look at his face! All we got to see were hands and feet - and, while they were truly beautiful, we were hoping to get a glimpse of that sweet baby face! We are going to try again at my next appt on the 30th so we'll see what happens! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Before I begin this week's bumpdate, I have a greivance that needs to be aired. Expectant mother parking is for EXPECTANT MOTHERS - not lazy people who want to park as close as possible to the entrance of the grocery store. Yes. Obviously I had a run in with this today. A woman and I arrived in the parking lot about the same time and she pulled in the expectant mother spot. I figured she was pregnant and didn't think a thing about it. I then had to park about 20 spaces down as it was about 6:00 and every person in Charlotte had decided to go to Harris Teeter to get something for dinner. As I wrangled my two year old through the parking lot, waddling from my belly and a long day's work, I saw my "expectant mother" friend exiting her vehicle. The woman was about 50 years old and didn't even have a wheelchair/limp/cane, etc that would make walking to the store difficult. She actually looked like she was in better shape than me. Angry doesn't even describe what I was feeling. Needless to say, the lady saw my belly and energetic toddler and probably felt horrible considering she took every precaution not to make eye contact with me. That's right, I gave her the stink eye (which she sadly never saw due to the previously mentioned eye contact avoidance)

Anyway, that is my rant for the day. Here's how things are going with Baby Greyson! :)

28 weeks 3 days
Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 28 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 130 (14 lbs) No candy bars this week.... yet....

Maternity Clothes: Yup
Sleep: Again, I've given up on this luxury. 

Best Moment of the Week: Although it hasn't happened yet, I know seeing sweet Grayson's face for the first time on our 3D ultrasound will definitely be it! I'm anxious to see how much he does or doesn't look like MC!! Guess we will find out on Friday!!!
Food Cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary. 
Food Aversions: None.
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms: Oh the back. Working at a daycare teaching 12-24 month olds all day can wear on you. I spend about 97% of the day bent over and lets just say it can do a number on your back!
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Hurt foot. Yes. Adam has what he thinks is a stress fracture, so I get to hear about his aching foot a few times a day. I feel for him, but sometimes I want to smack him too. In a very compassionate way of course. My aches still win my friend, good try ;)
Movement: Yup. Little Grey enjoys elbowing, kicking, and kneeing mommy every chance he gets - usually when I am trying to rest.
Gender: Boy - GrEyson Carter. Yup. Notice the change? My "Grayson" was changed to "Greyson" per the hubs. Someone or something put the idea in his head that "GRAYSON" would allow too much room for possible bullying or name calling (as if children could adequately decipher the difference in the two spellings and pick on him for an "A", but not for an "E"... sigh.) Obviously I don't understand Adam's stance on the whole thing so I just let him win. I wanted an "A" pretty darn bad, but marriage is about compromise so I threw in the towel.
Milestones: Glucose test tomorrow morning (wish me luck!) and 3D ultrasound on Friday! Hopefully all goes well!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Sticking with my usual late theme, here is last week's bumpdate! We are 28 weeks as of Saturday so the "up-to-date" bumpdate should be coming tomorrow or the next day!
27 weeks 2 days

Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 27 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 129 (13 lbs) Let's just say momma's been getting her workout at work! Lost a few pounds but I can't say I'm too upset about that!

Maternity Clothes: Yes. Always.
Sleep: Still stinks, but, hey, what can ya do?

Best Moment of the Week: The parents! Mom and dad came to visit and it was so great seeing them! However, bittersweet at the same time... so sad not having them close! I tried to put a pretty good guilt trip on them about moving here though ;)
Food Cravings: SWEETS! Oh this sweet tooth... I ate two Whachamacallit candy bars this week and then as a sweet surprise Adam actually showed up with one when he came home one night (completely unaware I had already indulged in 2 earlier in the week) I couldn't be rude and turn down a sweet gesture so into the tummy it went and the count went to 3. Oh dear. 
Food Aversions: None.
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms: Still hungry 24/7 and dealing with a sore back
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Cravings. Burgers to be specific.
Movement: Feeling little man a lot. Loves to wake me up in the morning and keep me up for a while when I first lay down at night.
Gender: Boy - Grayson Carter
Milestones: While not Grayson related, starting work was definitely a huge milestone! Things are going well and I promise to post some details soon!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


26 weeks 3 days!!!

Due Date: January 5, 2013
How Far Along: 26 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 130.5 (14.5)Again, still going with the notion that my scale at home is accurate and the one at the doctor's office is broken. Weighed with PJ's on Saturday and it was still less than what the doctor's scale said over a week ago. 

Maternity Clothes: Yes. Always.
Sleep: I literally don't sleep. Ever. I've tried my old maternity pillow but the top is all lumpy and uncomfortable (you can't use a regular pillow in conjunction with the maternity pillow and I certainly can't sleep without my memory foam contour pillow) I've tried a pillow between my legs but its not long enough and too soft. Oh the woes of pregnancy sleep ;) Also doesn't help that I am having to get up way earlier to get to work now - or that certain things occur during the night such as my sweet child screaming every 15 minutes from 2am-5am. She has never done anything like that before. We tried everything to get her to go back to sleep - putting her in our bed, laying with her in her bed. The child just wouldn't sleep. Therefore, mommy didn't sleep. Therefore, mommy is struggling today. 

Best Moment of the Week: Momma is about to be a working momma. That's right - I got a job. Still in shock that they would hire a pregnant woman (yes, I told them I was pregnant - as if it wasn't obvious enough) Nervous and excited all at the same time!!
Food Cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary. 
Food Aversions: None.
Belly button/stretch marks: In/no stretch marks

Symptoms: Still hungry 24/7 and dealing with a sore back
Adam's pregnancy symptoms: Frustration. Poor guy has had some major complications just trying to complete what (should be) simple tasks. I feel his pain. I guess we could also add complaining to his list of symptoms... but we won't ;) If I had to deal with some of his craziness I would need to vent too. 
Movement: Much more now. He sleeps most of the day then likes to dance party it up around 10pm or so
Gender: Boy - Grayson Carter
Milestones: Working momma! More on this later...